Climate Tech

Traction Rec



increase in SEO

2m 58s

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high converting site

Let's talk

What technology truly brings people together? Traction Rec’s CRM solution connects all the diverse members in a community , and we needed to make their new site as warm and welcoming as the communities they serve.

The opportunity

A CRM with open arms

Traction Rec provides community centers like YMCA, JCCs, and BGCAs, with an all-in-one member management CRM. But beyond the tech, Traction Rec offers ongoing support to make sure they can thrive using the software.

The Traction Rec team came to us for an elevated marketing website that would make it clear to prospective buyers how their technology meets community center needs, while laying a foundation for thought leadership. We were happy to oblige!

Our Strategy

The challenge

Simplifying technology for communities

Communities are incredibly complex, living organisms—but that doesn’t mean the technology needed to manage them should be. Traction Rec asked for help to validate the functionality of their tech in a way that felt approachable so that prospects would feel comfortable enough and compelled to buy.

Traction Rec products are built on Salesforce—a robust CRM technology that markets themselves as having a 360 degree member view. But Salesforce can be intimidating to non-techy community center users, and so it was our challenge to clearly showcase Traction Rec’s technology to all  diverse community members with evolving needs. We wanted to communicate that this CRM is designed to solve practical problems, for real people.

The research

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We had the opportunity to interview some of Traction Rec’s current customers, whom they affectionately refer to as partners. We noticed a common thread in our qualitative research. Decision makers at community centers absolutely loved the partnership and support they got from the Traction Rec team—from first contact throughout the entire implementation process.

Interestingly, in contrast, other big names in the community center CRM space left a sour taste in their mouth for lacking either support, functionality, or adaptability. 

In terms of competitor research, we unveiled some clear opportunities to shine. Competitors seemed to be struggling with the same challenge we knew we were faced with—simplicity. They had tacky and complex UI pasted across their sites, along with an often-times overwhelming navigation structure. We knew in order to tackle this we’d have to nail communicating their genuine partnerships, showcasing simple UI, and offering a navigation that would be intuitive to different visitors.

The direction

Partners, not vendors

Considering what we heard from customers during our research, we wanted to tell an authentic story of partnership and community impact across the site. This informed our primary sales narrative, as it seemed to be truly differentiating within the industry. We implemented a friendly, uplifting tone of community across all our copy, using language that would communicate “we’re in this together”, and “we’re here to do good.”

Communities are warm, welcoming and vibrant. With our visual strategy, we wanted to reflect that. We added people-focused imagery and video, as well as secondary colors to their palette to foster inclusion and community. 

We also weaved in testimonials, featured customer stories, and stats across the site to showcase the impact Traction Rec makes on people and communities. Hand-drawn icon illustrations added an extra dash of human realism.

We also reorganized the navigation so that different community members would be more able to find the information relevant to their needs.

Our Solution

The results

Virtual community growth


increase in MQLs


newsletter subscriptions per months


custom illustrations


more traffic


pages per session


time per session

The moral of the story

Amplifying the good

Warmth and inclusion isn’t normally what’s associated with technology, but we proved that it can be done with Traction Rec. Beyond their website, we took their community values even further into the physical world. We designed trade show banners, a notebook, and wrote and designed launch assets to help make sure their supportive values rippled into as many communities as possible.

“Thank you One Net team!! The site looks amazing and the feedback already has been super positive.”

Andrew Rogers

Chief Revenue Officer at Traction Rec